Friday, February 25, 2005

Coming in March

More on Da Vinci by the 20th of March.

In particular, Da Vinci's take on the wellspring of creativity: natural human curiosity.

For more background on Da Vinci's contributions to art and science, check out:

Sunday, February 20, 2005


A quick change in email address. The podcast references one, my profile shows another. However, in order to serve you better I've consolidated all emails regarding this podcast under ONE email:

Sorry for the sudden change. This will more readily alert me to requests and feedback, and protect my inbox from spam more effectively. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Feb 2005 Show notes!


With any luck you've already heard the podcast.

So maybe you have a system for subscribing to podcasts, or maybe you have no idea what I'm talking about. To learn all about this stuff and download the software you need to participate in this exciting new method of distributing communication, check the "mother of all podcast sites"--

There have been a number of articles in the media, and brief mentions on TV regarding this "new" system as well... A quick google search for podcast should keep you busy...

If all you need is software (whether Mac, Linux, or the dreaded Windows) you can go straight to their download page.

Please remember (and remember to tell people) that you do NOT have to use an iPod! Any MP3 player will do, and that includes your PC. Podcasting is merely a way of distributing MP3 files on a subscription basis. And by subscription I mean in the automatic sense, not the pay-to-play sense.

Once you have your podcast software, the stuff you use to subscribe to "feeds" you'll want to paste this URL into that software so you'll automagically get the show each month (usually the 20th):

Let's say you don't want or need to be automated. Let's say you like to just download the show manually. If so, you can get to the files using this base URL:

Now where it says davinciThemeTest you'll want to change that text each month. The format will be the word davinci, plus the 3-letter abbreviation of the month, plus the 2-number abbreviation of the year. So this month it is:
NOTE: the above is now a link, so you can save it directly to whatever you like now...

Also note that this URL will only work for current shows. So in March, that URL won't work. It's not a great situation, but the best I can do for now. If you subscribe via feed I think everything will work out OK. I'll post links to archived shows next month...

Leonardo Da Vinci

Here are some links for more info on the man himself, Leonardo Da Vinci.

For basic encyclopedia information check out the Wikipedia article.

Italy has a Leonardo Da Vinci museum.

The BBC has a great interactive site too.

And there's this simply done but nice site.

Last, there's the Boston Museum of Science's pages on Leonardo.

Rise of the Creative Class

Don't forget to check the link to buy the book on the right side of this page (scroll down), which helps pay my bandwidth bills!

But here's Richard Florida's official site. And I see he's released a couple of new books...
Here's a 3rd party article discussing the book.
Here's an article with some deabte on Florida's work. We'll discuss some of this later: Creative Class War


There are two versions (not conflicting) of how Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear.
The non-technical and the more technical.
Make sure you read the last couple of lines on the technical page...

Recommended reading on Magic tricks:
Juan Tamariz wrote a seminal book on the art of magic.
Eugene Burger can take a simple trick and build an amazing story around it.
Read more about both of them here. I highly recommend The Art of Magic by Tamariz.

Paul Harris is one of the most innovative magicians ever. The collections "Art of Astonishment" include sections where he simply imagines tricks-- things that MIGHT be possible. It's great.
Check his work out here, here, and here. That last link will take you to Penguin Magic, one of the best shops anywhere...

Jay Sankey is exclusive to Penguin, and a new breed of magician who really does think "outside the box."

I happened to find ONE halfway decent article on creativity and magic, but it's written for magicians by a magician. Go figure. Check it out here if you're interested.

And lastly, you'll find a HUGE list of magicians here. I would suggest you check out books by Harry Lorayne too. He wrote several popular books in the 70's around memory, that is, systems for remembering things. He largely pioneered (or popularized anyway) mnemonics, a great system for remembering things AND kind've a creative exercise as well.


I hope you enjoyed the show, and I thank you for reading and listening. If you wish to contact me about the podcast directly, please use the ipodcase AT gmail DOT com email address.

The transcript of the show is also available to those who email me. There are some errors in the podcast, so no need to point them out. For instance, I say that the Creative Class doesn't span age or income-- it does! I also had a few logical mixups... These will be sorted out in future podcasts, so stick with us!

Until the 20th of March,

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Podcast URL

Here's the URL for the podcast. Right now there's just a little music. With the production machine back in service (more or less, Apple has yet to actually fix the issue I've been having) we are still GO for Feb. 20.

Copy and paste into your favorite aggregator!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


I'm remaining hopefully optimistic that the podcast will go on-air as scheduled Feb. 20. Unfortunately, my primary machine (iBook G4) has sailed away to Memphis for repair. Today. No idea when it will return.

So... I have to figure out a way to record, encode, upload, and publish the podcast betwixt now and the 20th without all my data, settings, etc. Yes, I have backup machines (and a Mac mini on the way), but none are setup for my iPod!

I suppose at this point I should mention my process for podcasting. Normally I'd eschew these details, as the world has plenty of "podcasts about podcasts" but I thought it might be enlightening for those of you new to podcasting in general.

Here's the plan:
1. After doing research and some show notes, record the podcast DIRECTLY onto the iPod using Griffin Technology's iTalk.
2. The recorded audio is transferred to iTunes, where I then use a 3rd party tool to translate it into an MP3 and add appropriate ID3 tags. At this stage I also splice in the bumper music.
3. Once I have the MP3, it's FTP'd up to the host site.
4. After that, the XML file used for RSS is hand-coded, posted, and released into the wild.
5. Using Feedburner or posting to, publicize the podcast...
6. Rake in the dough. (Joke)

This is by NO means streamlined. I'm analyzing a host of tools for automating the process. Guess I'll have to use my creative brain for that!

UPDATE: You can now subscribe to the Atom text feed of this blog! See the right-hand side of this page for the bug/link. It's the easiest way to keep track of show notes and new info.